Monday, February 21, 2011

The Sun in Winter

I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert,
But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime
In a Big Country, Big Country

The first day of spring is still a month away, but the weather we've been having in "winter" of late has made up for the nonstop cold from December through January.  Yesterday was no exception, 59 degrees, sunny, and windless.  We were outside all day.  It was absolutely fantastic!

We managed to fill some of the dry stream bed with enriched dirt from our favorite nursery.  It's going to take a lot more than I had originally expected.  I placed most of the rocks and made pockets for my plants.

My hubby put our tumbler composter together (my Valentine's present).  Some folks may think a composter is really unromantic, but I thought it was perfect!

I got brave and began some spinach and mustard in some old strawberry trays.  I set them out in a sunny spot near the back deck.  Greens are a favorite of ours, so I'm hoping I'll be successful.  Growing food is completely new area of gardening for me, but in a big country, exploring new terrians just comes with the the territory!

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