Friday, April 8, 2011

Color has finally arrived

I am so pleased to finally have tulips.  In the epic woman versus voles battle I have finally scored a point.  I have planted tulips every fall, anxiously awaited their spring arrival, and found nothing!  But this year a bargain-basement, big box, very end of the season impulse buy paid off.  I have tulips for the first time in seven -- that's right -- SEVEN years.  Proof that my gardens come more from perseverance than talent.  The photo will also illustrate this fact, in that they are haphazardly placed as if the gardener thought, these things will never make it to spring, but I'll just chuck 'em in here and give it a try, again, anyway:


  1. lol, but so true. The squirrels like to take off with mine. I like to think that the bulbs end up blooming somewhere but you never know. So nice to meet you. Not sure when it was exactly that you visited my blog. I spend entirely too much of my computer time on facebook...

  2. Thanks for coming by, Cinj! Those critters really do make our job harder! But it's so worth it when they decide to leave us alone.
